Friday, 8 September 2017

Teens N Cell Phones

Effects Of Cell Phone Usage For Teens

Cell phones : The Entire World Under Your fingertips. Are our children equipped to handle such responsibility? Let's face it Cell Phones are not going anywhere, at least not anytime soon. So now the question is exactly how much usage is permissible and at what age? Here are some examples of negative and positive effects of cell phone usage in children. Let's take a look and make an informed decision when it comes to our children's safety and health.

Negative Effects:

  1. Teen Tendonitis:  Excess messaging can lead to Teen Tendonitis (TTT). It can cause pain in the hands, back and neck due to poor posture. It can also lead to impaired vision and even arthritis down the line.
  2. Hyper Texting: With the explosion of social media sites, we have seen teens texting constantly to keep updated and in the in crowd. Popularity is measured by views,likes,shares and followers. This constant texting turns in addictive behavior causing stress and anxiety in teenagers.
  3. Cyber Bullying: A major concern in teens that is not limited to institution premises. With the invention of social media sites ,nowadays bullying follows a teens into their homes and lives and leaves no room for a safe haven. Mean messages, text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles are all examples of cyber bullying.
  4. Inappropriate Online Content Access: Do we really need a blog on this effect? Already, there have been books written on predators roaming online looking for victims to "Groom".

Positive Effects:

  1. Security: Being able to track your child in this volatile world is paramount to a parent. Cell phones are valuable tools when it comes to responding to emergency situations where help is scarce. 

  1. Convenience: Having been able to reach your teen at a moments notice is priceless.A million potential daily changes may make you want to talk to your child immediately- maybe you are running late for dinner, would like them to pick up some pizza, or simply want to let them know you care for them. Giving them a cell phone will allow you to let your child know of last minute thoughts without any problems.
  1. Social Inclusion/ Tech Savvy: Staying on top of technology in this technological world is imperative from an educational point of view. Teens use phone to access online research and to stay in touch socially. Its helps in social development of a teen to stay in touch .
  1. Responsibility :A cell phone can teach your child responsibility, since she has to learn to care for it, by keeping it charged and in working condition. You can also use the phone as a tool to teach your child financial responsibility. 

So now we know some of the Pros N Cons of Teens And Cell Phones. Now what? What can we do as parents to give our teenagers the benefits of cell phone access without the negative side effects? 

One good way is to have your teenager sign a contract. When your teens knows exactly what is responsible phone usage according to you , they tend to be more responsible with their phone. Several good templates are available for free online. Here are some example teen cell phone contract points..

The User’s responsibilities:

I will not text, or reply to texts, or place phone calls after -----pm.
I will not use any of my phone’s functions (games, music etc) after -----pm. on school nights.
My phone will then be switched off and unable to receive texts until morning. OR My phone will be in the charger basket in the kitchen after pm.
I will not use my phone during meals or while someone is talking to me.
I will prepay for all my calls and services. OR I will pay for any charges over the limit of my plan.
 I will surrender my phone until my debt is paid.
 I may /may not purchase data over the mobile network.
I will always keep some credit for an emergency call.
 I understand that I am responsible for knowing where my phone is, and for keeping it in good condition.
I will be considerate about how I use my phone in public, especially quiet places.
 I will obey any rules my school has regarding cell phones.
 I will not take or send indecent pictures of myself or anyone else.
I promise I will alert my parents when I receive suspicious or alarming phone calls or text messages.
 I will not use obscene language in my texts.
 I will not send threatening or mean texts or bully anyone in any way.
I will not use my phone to view obscene images or movies.
I will not use my phone while riding a bike, driving, crossing the road or in any other unsafe way.
I will not send indecent or embarrassing photos of my family or friends to others. In addition, I will not use my phone’s camera to take embarrassing photos of others.
I will not lend my phone for unsupervised use.
I will not allow my phone to be used by anyone else to do anything that I am not allowed to do. I will not obtain another phone without permission.
 If I do get another phone, it is covered by this contract as well.
I will not use other people’s phones to do anything prohibited in this contract.
I understand that having a cell phone is a privilege, and that if I fail to adhere to this contract or other family rules my cell phone may be taken, or some other consequence may be carried out.
I understand that my parents may check my phone including contacts, pictures, videos, text messages, or anything else stored in it. 

Parent responsibilities :

I will support my child when he or she alerts me to an alarming text message that he or she has received. I may check your phone occasionally. OR I will respect your privacy and not check your phone unless I have reason to believe that you have misused it.

(above template points courtesy of "The Parenting Place".)

Prevention is the best cure, try not to give cell phones to young kids unless you are using it together and under your direct supervision. Cell Phones are not substitutes for nannies, parents or friends.

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